Here we report the explanation of the abbreviations and technical words used throughout ICBF web site
- AI Code = Artificial Insemination Code: assigned by the government to any domestic or imported bull
- BCS = Body Condition Score
- BD = Body Depth
- CIS = Calving Interval and Survival: used to define the joint reliability and number of daughters used in the evaluation of CIV and SUV traits
- CIV = Calving Interval
- CW = Chest Width
- EBI = Economic Breeding Index: official selection index in Ireland
- FA = Foot Angle
- FU = Fore Udder
- HBNO = Herd Book Number
- Heifer = young cow that has not yet given birth to a calf
- PD = Predicted Difference
- RA = Rump Angle
- RLRV = Rear Leg Rear View
- RLS = Rear Leg Set
- RUH = Rear Udder Height
- RW = Rump Width
- Sire = the father of a bull or cow
- SUV = Survival Rate
- TL = Teat Length
- TP = Teat Placement
- UD = Udder Depth
- US = Udder Support